I’d like to try out the NaBloPoMo challenge. In case that looks like gibberish to you, it stands for “National Blog Posting Month”. Basically the idea is that you write a blog post every day in November. It coincides with NaNoWriMo, which is short for “National Novel Writing Month”. In the latter, the idea is to write a novel (50,000 words or more) in the month of November. That comes down to about 1,700 words per day, which is a lot. I think for my level of availability, NaBloPoMo is more achievable. There’s no minimum length for a blog post, and I can write more than one at a time and queue them up.
One thing that also helps is the fact that there are prompts to help out with NaBloPoMo. Someone asks a question, and you answer it with a blog post&emdash;simple enough.
Here is the first prompt (posting a day late because I just found out about this last night):
What is your favorite part about writing?
For this I don’t really have a good answer. I enjoy creativity in general, and writing is a relatively new (to me) way of expressing myself. I have ambitions of writing stories, books, and all of those things one day, but for now I just enjoy writing on my blog as an outlet to communicate my life with my friends and family.