I had been doing phenomenally well for all but the last month of this bet. The past few weeks, my depression hit me hard, and I fell off the wagon big time (stopped running, ate like crap, all the good stuff). As of Sunday, I was 0.2 pounds over my goal weight, and this morning I discovered my body decided now was a good time to hold onto a bunch of water (I was 4.5 pounds over).
I just went for my first good run in weeks with a friend of mine, and I am eating light all day. I’m going to go for a nice long (and hopefully sweaty) walk this evening, get up early for my run tomorrow, and hopefully beat this goal. It sucks to know that I’ve come so far (won every round so far) and I could wind up coming short right at the end.
I plan to do another Transformer bet. With any luck, I’ll be able to better manage my tendencies to veer too far from the course. Here’s to the next 36 hours, the next 6 months, and the next 50 years of making changes, being healthy, and finding the strength to get up when I fall.